​The 37th Dublin Scout Group was started in 1971 as a unit of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland. For the first 17 years it struggled to keep going without a proper meeting place or equipment store.
Each section - Cubs, Scouts and Venturers had to accommodate themselves wherever they could. At one point the Venturer Section had to close down for want of a meeting place and it was not even possible to start a Beaver section.
In 1988, the then Leader, V.P Rynne, successfully appealed to the local community for support to raise money to reduce the £24,000 the group needed to secure and renovate the property on Greenlea road. Although there was still a need to install toilets and plaster the bare walls, 37th St Pius X C.B.S.I finally had a home.
In 1993 C.B.S.I. decided that it was time for scouts to go co-ed. With the arrival of girls into all sections the organisation became C.S.I.
Then, in 2004, with the joining of CSI and SAI the current organisation SI was formed and the troop name became 37th Dublin Templeogue. Although everyone still refers to it as St Pius Troop.
Today the group leader's reins are in the hands of Marc Brazil.
We have two Beaver groups, two Cub packs, two Scout troops, a venturer crew and a number of active Rovers.
The scouts are successful in the County Shield and Phoenix Competitions.
37th Dublin Scout Troop is a member of Scouting Ireland. Scouting Ireland aim to encourage the physical, intellectual, character, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so that they may achieve their full potential and, as responsible citizens, improve society.
You can find out more at Scouts.ie