Here's the full plans for the summer camp!
Date: Friday 10th June to Sunday 12th
Where: IOAC Scout campsite in Rosslare, Wexford.
Start / finish:
Friday 10th June- Meet at 330pm at den at the very latest.
Sunday 12th June - 6pmish Bus arrives back to Den
110 euro plus previously paid 10 euro deposit so 120 euros in total. All campers have paid already and refunds no longer available. Thanks everyone!
Note: All costs during the camp are covered, but cubs are requested to bring 5 euro only of spending money as there's a shop on camp.
Consent forms:
All campers need to have a completed consent form to allow them to do any overnight activity. This is a separate consent form to the annual one. You can print the form out for this camp from here. We'll have spare hard copies on the friday if you don't have access to a printer.
If your cub will be taking medication on camp, you need to fill out the managing medication form from here and give it and explain it to a leader at the start of camp. We'll have a few spare copies on the day.
All forms need to be given to leaders before cubs can leave on the bus for Wexford.
Packing list:
Here's the full camping gear list for the Monday Night cub campers! As usual we'd recommend that (with the relevant level of parental supervision) cubs pack their bags themselves as otherwise they arrive on camping not knowing where anything is, not able to find stuff, etc..
Note: Cubs are not allowed to bring mobile phones on camp. And no sweets or treats need to be packed - if kids arrive eating lots of sweets then they don't eat their meals.
Rough camp schedule:
330pm - Rented bus arrives at den
4pm - Bus trip down to IOAC
7pm - Set up camp
8pm - Dinner
9pm - Small campfire
Breakfast cooked by cubs
This morning and afternoon - Two big activities run by IOAC staff: High Ropes / Viking challenge.
Other games and fun.
Dinner cooked by cubs.
Big campfire and singsong.
Take down camp
11am Bus arrives and is packed.
1130am Bus bring everyone to local beach for an afternoon of beach fun with pizza / chipper lunch.
3pmish Bus heads back for Dublin
530pm / 6pm ish Bus arrives back at den with some very tired cubs.
We're looking forward to this. Thanks everyone!