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Writer's pictureBrian Dolan

Update on Safeguarding and Child Protection

To all Parents, members and friends of 37th Dublin,

Following on from the well-publicised issues between Tusla and Scouting Ireland, I wanted to provide some information about the child protection policies in place in 37th Dublin. I want to reassure parents that we take safeguarding extremely seriously and we ensure that all of our Scouters are fully trained and compliant with Scouting Ireland child protection policies.

All Scout Leaders are Garda vetted and receive safeguarding training. We have to renew our Garda Vetting and undertake mandatory refresher safeguarding training every 3 years. All of our leaders have their Garda vetting up to date.

Camping and adventures in the outdoors are fundamental to Scouting and give children the opportunity to develop skills and appreciate the natural world and our environment. We have no plans to stop overnight activities for our Scout Group.

Scouting Ireland have detailed policies and guidelines in place for all activities including overnight camps.

The welfare of each Scout is paramount for our Scout leaders - whether attending activities in the Den, on day trips or on overnight trips at home and abroad. Special attention is given on camping trips to sleep, food, hygiene, injuries, sickness, happiness and safety.

You can look at Scouting Ireland’s policies on

I do understand that parents have concerns and you need to be assured that your child is safe when they are with us. Most of our Scout Leaders are parents; we have our own children in Scouts and want to know they are safe. Safeguarding is front and centre of everything we do in 37th Dublin.

If you have any other questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Scouting,

Nicola Doyle

37th Dublin Group Leader


Phone Number: 0872537876

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