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Pioneering stage 2 Knot board!

Updated: May 23, 2023

All of the cubs who are working to earn their stage 2 pioneering badge need to complete a knot board as part of their badge work. Here's everything you need to know about the knot board and about what knots your cub could do...

What is a knot board?

Each knot board needs to have at least six different knots on it, but can have more. The final product doesn't have to be at all fancy. Can be on cardboard or wood and can look fancy or simply like this...

What knots should be on it?

It's not necessary that the cub knows each knot by heart, just that they make them for the knot board. Parents are definitely allowed to help. It can have any six or more knots of your cubs choosing, but these are the two that we've been trying to drill into them and should be included...

Clove hitch

Reef Knot

Other than those two knots, cubs can use any other knots. Some other options for them to do are:

Square lashing - This could be done in miniature on two small twices and done with twine.

Tripod lashing - Again, a small version like above.

Shoelace knot

i.e. the one they use to tie their shoelaces.

Overhand knot

i.e. the first part of the shoelace knot

Overhand loop

Swing knot (aka Prussic knot)

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