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Backwoods badge!

Over the course of March - April 2020 and probably onwards, the Monday Night Cubs will be working towards earning their Backwoods Badge which is one of the 9 adventure skills badge (see here for list of these badges).

Each adventure skills badge has 9 nine stages, each increasingly challenging. Some of our cubs already have a stage 1 or stage 2 backwoods badge and some have no backwoods badge yet. Speak to your cub to find out what stage they are at and, if still confused, talk to Oran.

Over the course of March and April and onwards, we hope to help your cub move up one stage in Backwoods (i.e. if they have no badge then they'll earn Stage 1, if they have stage 2 then they'll earn stage 3 etc..)

Some of the work to earn the badges will be done during Monday Night Meetings. Other work will be done by the cubs at home. Below are listed the expectations for each stage of the badge. The section in bold with additional information and / or links is what the cubs need to work on at home and to have prepared for the next cub meeting. The action they need to do depends on what Stage badge they are trying to earn:

Requirements to earn Stage 1 backwoods badge

- I know what kinds of clothes to wear when going out into nature. = COMPLETED!

- I know how to prepare food for cooking.

- I know what a basic survival kit should contain.

For the next cub meeting, we expect the cub trying to earn a Stage 1 badge to bring a survival kit to the den. This should include at least ten useful items that each have one or more practical uses. Please use the following links to assist in guiding the cubs in what they include (Note: Although they're mentioned in these links, no blades or knives or medication to be included in the survival kits.)

- I know how to behave safely around fires.

- I know how to use hand tools safely.

- I can build a simple shelter.

- I have participated in at least two backwoods activities.

Requirements to earn Stage 2 backwoods badge

- I know how cook some food using tin foil instead of pots and pans.

- I know the important things to remember when building a simple shelter using plastic sheeting.

- I know how to treat simple cuts and scratches in a hygienic way.

Cubs going for their stage 2 badge need to present to the group that they know:

How to clean the wound

How to reassure the casualty

How to apply a bandage

They can practise this at home and act it out for the group.

- I know how to set up a fireplace and assist in fire lighting.

- I can prepare and cook food properly in backwoods conditions.

- I know about food hygiene in the outdoors

- I can use hand tools correctly.

- I have attended at least an additional two backwoods activities.

Requirements to earn Stage 3 backwoods badge

- I know how different weather conditions can affect a backwoods activity.

- I know how to get help when someone is in trouble.

- I know the main principles of “Leave No Trace”.

- I can build a shelter for six people.

- I can use camp tools safely on camp.

- I know about food storage

- I can light a fire using natural tinder, fuzz sticks and matches.

I can prepare my own survival kit.

For the next cub meeting, we also expect the cub trying to earn a Stage 3 badge to bring a survival kit to the den. This should include at least ten useful items that each have one or more practical uses. Please use the following links to assist in guiding the cubs in what they include (Note: Although they're mentioned in these links, no blades or knives or medication to be included in the survival kits.)

I can make a simple fish hook.

If you cub is particularly eager and you have the time to help them, they could make a simple fish hook out of a safety pin. Note: This does involve tools and adult supervision and if they're bringing the finished product into cubs then they need to ensure it is safely transported in.

- I can teach another Scout about preparing a survival kit. - COMPLETED!

- I have attended at least an additional three backwoods activities.

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