# SustainableScoutingfromHome / #SSFH
As a program idea we thought it would be good to do Sustainable Scouting from Home but once we got the go ahead to do an over night we decided to do some of the activities in person during a 26 hour Hammock overnight.
We all wanted to get back out and not be stuck at home anymore, I think everyone realised how lucky we are to actually be able to do things like this.
We met at the Hazel House Restaurant on Mutton Lane at 20:30 and walked up to Tibradden Woods. Marc handed out Hammocks and tarps. The two patrols set up camp just off the trail. When camp was set up we had some Koka Noodles before bed to warm us up.
Detect Fake News
Just as we sat down to enjoy our Koka Noodles and Marc and Tommy started a conversation about where we get our news. How we knew it wars reliable. What they said challenging some of our assumptions. “Do you always need Proof to believe?”, “Is up really up? What about in Australia?”. Before we knew it, 2 hours had passed and at 1:00 it was time for hammocks.
In the morning people got up at various times. Most were up by 7:00and we were told to pack up all personal gear and be ready to strike camp
After packing up we went to Cruagh Woods for breakfast.
When we got to Cruagh there were some ventures there waiting for us, they had gotten a bench and an area to do activities. We were also joined by 2 more scouts.
This was breakfast bars and fruit. Marc explained that this is the sort of breakfast we could expect if we were doing an overnight hike/camp. Also, in some parts of the world it could be all they get to keep going in harsh times. For some fresh fruit is a luxury.
#Partnership #SDG17 #Partnership.for.the.Goals
We worked in our patrols for an hour to discuss fair trade and find a definition of it that made sense to everyone. We then looked at how it affects everyone from farmer to end user. We then got back in a big group and told the other patrols and vents what we learned. By the end it nearly turned into a competition of who knew the most.
Experience Inequality – Colour Game
Our next activity was strange. Each of the patrol members was given a colour strip that they were told to wear in a visible place. Then the ventures asked us about discrimination. They asked for a definition and what would we do if we saw it happening. The ventures then ran a game about it so we could all get a better understanding of it.
Then they made us all go get a stick from the woods and then we tied 3 different knots. None of us really noticed that the vents were being unreasonable to people with certain colour tags. First the blue, then the brown and finally the blacks. When reviewing the activity, we could all see what happened and while we felt it was unfair when happening to us we did not really notice or thought it was funny when it was happening to are friends. In hindsight they were not subtle.
Make Fat ball bird feeders
The vents got us discussing ideas of encouraging more wildlife. Things like leaving areas where wild flowers can grow and how we can leave food for various animals.
They pulled out some lard and birdseed and told we would use them to make bird feeders, fat balls!!! This was probably not needed here but they wanted us to be able to make them at home for the birds and be safe from cats.
At first I was a bit confused wondering what on earth are fat balls but in the end they were just seeds held together with lard, hung on tress and feed the birds. We then we each made some stuck onto string. We hung our fat balls on trees and watched as various birds came and ate. We notices a curious thing. One type of bird landed on the trees and then walked up the tree. They seemed to do this again and again. No one cold think why they wouldn't just land higher up.
Scouters make lunch.
It was time for lunch. Leaders had set up a tarp over the picnic bench and called it Ian’s kitchen. It served freshly made sandwiches, Crisps, fruit and Chocolate bars. Although no one knew about the bars until after the sandwiches were eaten. We got left alone by the leaders, mostly.
Tree Hugging
This must be the strangest part of the day. Everyone got in pairs and was told one has to be blindfolded. Each blindfolded scout was led into the woods to a tree. We told to use as many of are senses, other than sight, as we could to identify the tree. After 1 minute we were led back out and we sat down. Each scout described their tree and then had to go back into the woods and find it. Then it was our partners turn. While the scouter talked to us about the trees and using our senses two scouts were picked, blind folded and led to trees by the vents. When they came back they described their tree and then we had to go and find it. From the two descriptions we picked 4 trees. Then the vents told us that it was kind of a trick question because both scouts had been to the same tree.
Make a Water Filter
First, we ‘’explored’’ the river. This was fun. Then we talked about the water. Where it comes from and where it goes. What makes it undrinkable, the dangers of contaminants and how it is purified. We were given some time to think about how we could clean dirty water.
Some of the scouts had been on a Phoenix Challenge and knew how a filter could be made. We looked around for what we needed. As there was no cotton cloth available we substituted plastic bags to make water filters with sticks, grass, leaves from around the river and some charcoal from an old fire pit. We stacked the bags so the water flowed from one to the next and then caught it in a cup. We tested the filter to see how well it worked.
Cook a Meal with Limited Ingredients
After a bit of free time, we were brought together and discussed the food we eat.
We discussed the food pyramid and being able to get the food we need. We were asked what we thought we could get to eat for €2. Most people thought of junk food. Marc asked us to consider proper food. Cold we eat a good meal on such a small amount. There were suggestions of foods that were low cost but filling and if a patrol bought a big bags of pasta to share it would cut costs. Some of the scouts knew some of the facts about how much food some people in poorer countries had to eat. Also someone talked about in some countries they eat insects. One of our leaders asked if it was right to bring in insects to Ireland as food. Most people said no because we have enough food or they thought insects would not be nice to eat. Our leader said that brining in animals and insects can harm the local insects.
We were given chicken, potato and carrot and told to make dinner. Each patrol came up with ideas of what to cook and then we were told we had no pots. We agreed to cook back woods (not that we had much choice). After discussing how this might be done one of the vents came up with a roll of tin foil. One scout from each patrol made up pouches while the vents lit a fire. They offered to look after our food so we could play a game.
After little sleep and a high energy day we got time to relax. We discussed aspects of mental health. Then Oran (one of the cub leaders) did a session on mindfulness. First he took a bottle of water and asked us to think of it as our mind. He then put some rice in and said it would be our thoughts or emotions. He shook up the bottle saying that this is like what happens during the day. Thoughts and emotions are running around in our heads. Then he said we need to deal with those thoughts and emotions. Even when we settle they are still in our mind like the rice was still ion the bottle. He then took us through the steps to meditation. Connecting with ourselves, thinking about each part of our body. Concentrating on the stomach where many worries can cause problems. After we all felt a lot more relaxed and like we could fall asleep right there, I don’t know if that was cause of the meditation or lack of sleep.
When this was finished Claire arrived with an Italian traditional relaxation method PIZZA!!!!!
#Prosperity #SDG 9 #Industry.Innovation&Infrastructure
Switch Off the Internet (Briefly!)
Marc asked us how our day went. What were the highs and lows. There were very few lows. While some of the activities were strange we had fun doing them. When asked about the phones most of us said we were too busy to notice not using them. Then we discussed how important the phones are to us and to life in Ireland. Marc said that nearly half the people in the world have no phone or internet access. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Finally it was time to pack up and go. There was a lot of rubbish around the place from previous users which we cleaned up. We filled a refuse sack with the litter we found. We also noticed how much rubbish had been made with the wrappers from breakfast and lunch and Pizza boxes. This prompted another discussion with the scouters about leave no trace and minimising out impact.
We had covered 9 of the SDGs and will do another 2 at the Den in the next couple of weeks.
#Prosperity #SDG7 Make a household energy saving plan
Sounds like a brilliant day. Great post, really enjoyed reading it!