Adults can play a variety of roles in Scouts and we are always looking for people to get involved in any way possible. Youth Members who progress through the various scout sections can continue as Rover Scouts. Some will continue to be Leaders or 'Scouters', though anyone can become a leader, regardless of previous experience. There are also lots of opportunities for parents and other adults to get involved in fundraising, administration and other supporting activities.
Rover Scouts are a fairly new section in Scouting Ireland. Rovers are between 18 and 25 years old and the focus of the section is on travel & adventure sports, independence, and service.
Scouters are adults who facilitate, guide and mentor our youth members through their scouting life. Scouting Ireland provide vetting and extensive training of Scouters.
More information can be found on
Get Involved​
If you would like to get involved in any way as an adult volunteer in our Scout Troop, please get in touch with our Group Leader.